On Sunday evening, 2 of Bollywood's hottest young stars went on a secret flick date. At around four.30 pm within the evening, Hindu deity Roy Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra entered a Juhu multiplex within the former's black sedan and quietly slipped into the hall through the backdoor.
Despite their plan to keep the tryst covert, Mirror has learnt that the actors watched the Hollywood sports drama Rush and appeared in an exceedingly rather mirthful mood throughout the film's period of time.
A supply World Health Organization watched the flick within the same hall aforementioned,"They had the complete last row to themselves. It appeared as if Hindu deity had engaged all the opposite seats to avoid any scrutiny. One would not have paid abundant attention to them had Parineeti unbroken quiet. however she was guffawing loud enough for folks to note the couple."
Mirror antecedently rumored that Hindu deity was seen in joyousness at a club in South city, wherever he was partying with rumoured girlfriend Shraddha Kapoor.
Parineeti, on the opposite hand is reportedly geological dating film producer Maneesh Sharma, though they need ne'er publically acknowledged their relationship.
We marvel what their alternative halves ought to say concerning Hindu deity and Parineeti's flick date.
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