Bollywood actor Imran Khan and Esha Gupta's hot song 'Dhat Teri Ki' from his coming picture show 'Gori Tere Pyaar Mein' is out.
Gori Tere Pyaar Mein‘s new song Dhat Teri Ki is out! Sung by Sanam Puri and Hindu deity Singh Sharma, the song is spirited, upbeat and fascinatingly rocking in its tunes. that includes Imran Khan beside the hottie Esha Gupta,Dhat Teri Ki is that the final party track.
Directed by Punit Malhotra, the film that stars delectable combine of Kareena Kapoor and Imran Khan can unharness on twenty second Nov.
Gori Tere Pyaar Mein‘s new song Dhat Teri Ki is out! Sung by Sanam Puri and Hindu deity Singh Sharma, the song is spirited, upbeat and fascinatingly rocking in its tunes. that includes Imran Khan beside the hottie Esha Gupta,Dhat Teri Ki is that the final party track.
Directed by Punit Malhotra, the film that stars delectable combine of Kareena Kapoor and Imran Khan can unharness on twenty second Nov.
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